Breast cancer risk calculator updated for Asian-Americans

Researchers have developed a more accurate method for estimating breast cancer risk for Asian and Pacific Islander American (APA) women.  Most current risk estimates rely on data from non-Hispanic white women, but researchers have now come up with a statistical model that more specifically assesses risk for American women who identify themselves as Chinese, Japanese,

Need stats? How to find the most up-to-date cancer statistics

The most frequent request NCI receives from reporters is to provide the latest cancer statistics: incidence, mortality, and survival, often broken down by age, race, or gender.  To provide this information, press officers from NCI’s Office of Media Relations turn to the Cancer Statistics Review, a report published by NCI’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)

Distribution of cancers in the HIV/AIDS population is shifting

New study finds a decrease in AIDS-defining cancers, offset by an increase in other cancers As treatments for HIV/AIDS improve and patients are living longer, the distribution of cancers in this population has undergone a dramatic shift in the United States.  While cases of the types of cancer that have been associated with AIDS progression